Friday, April 12, 2013

Nik Nak

On this day in 1921 Marguerite Hausmann
Was born in an apartment above
The family bakery in Northeast Baltimore
On this day in 1947 the now Marge married Henry
April 12 was always a big day in our house
Both a birthday and anniversary celebration
I used to feel burdened as a kid to have to get
A card and presents for both
Walking over to the Parkville Shopping Center
To the Hallmark store to buy some little nik-nak
With my meager allowance or babysitting money
Nik-naks that I packed away
And gave to charity along with everything else
But that little doo-dad that said
Best Mom In The World moved from Lavender Avenue
To the apartment at Ridge Gardens to
Glen Meadows Retirement Community
Maybe some kid will buy it at a thrift store and
That mom will treasure it like treasure

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