Wednesday, April 17, 2013

TV Shaping Our Values


I found that MASH reruns are on and now
I tape them or oh right that was the olden days
Now I DVR them. I remember them all
Watched each one at least a dozen times
But the message is never old, just like
The original Star Trek. These shows shaped
My values just as much as going to a
Lutheran church before there was the teaching
Of hate of the other, before there was
Focus on sins, rather than on being a good
Person, when WWJD really meant something
I am not oppressed by my religious upbringing
But informed by it just like by some TV shows
That actually had a message along with humor
Or pathos. I wonder what will become
Of the generation who thinks that being a teen mom
Or a hillbilly fisherman is better than being a
Humanitarian or realizing that we don’t have to
Look alike to love alike.

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